About the Journal

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Journal of Fatwa and Falak Selangor (JUFFAS) (eISSN: 3030-6108 | ISSN: 3030-6116) is a refereed international journal published by the Selangor Mufti Department (JMNS). It is a multi-language journal (written in Malay, English and Arabic) and publishes biannually (in June & December). The main objective of JUFFAS is exploring significant and contemporary scholarly discussion in the areas of Fatwa and Falak. JUFFAS is also intended to provide an avenue for scholars, academics, and researchers to share their findings, new ideas, arguments, criticism, opinions and expertise in the field with the purpose of enhancing the discourse of knowledge.

The Editorial Committee of the Journal welcomes contributions of papers on any topics related to Fatwa and Falak studies which have never been published or considered for publication by any other publishers.

Please read the information on the peer-review process. The articles published in JUFFAS are going through a double-blind peer-review process. Hence, the decision on whether the article is accepted or not, will be the Editorial Board’s right based on the peer reviewer's recommendation. Manuscripts and all correspondence should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, via online submission system (OJS). 

All published articles are open access and freely available online and our goal is to ensure the articles are published as immediately as possible, subject to applicable quality controls.

Disclaimer: The articles in this journal are not necessarily representing the stand of the Selangor Mufti Department (JMNS).


Call for Papers


السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

dan Salam Sejahtera


Jurnal Fatwa dan Falak (JUFFAS) ialah sebuah jurnal yang baru ditubuhkan oleh Jabatan Mufti Negeri Selangor pada tahun 2023.

Read more about Call for Papers

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Fatwa and Falak Selangor (JUFFAS)
Published: 31-12-2024


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